Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests

Protesters at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida on April 30, 2024.
Photo by Dave Decker
Protesters at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida on April 30, 2024.
At least 10 people were arrested Tuesday evening, after local law enforcement used tear gas and rubber bullets to break up a pro-Palestinian rally at University of South Florida's Tampa campus.

After 17 were arrested on Monday, protesters returned to USF's MLK Plaza, chanting, holding signs and creating a circle of locked arms, in an effort to pressure the school’s Board of Trustees and President Rhea Law to boycott and divest from all companies and defense contractors which support the Israeli government's indiscriminate bombardments in the Gaza strip.

Blankets and tarps were laid out on the lawn near MLK Plaza by 1 p.m. A prayer started soon after, and students—some holding homemade wooden shields—started to form circle around men and women praying on the ground. Umbrellas and a few more wooden shields lay on the ground nearby.

At least one tent popped up inside the circle, David Decker, a Creative Loafing Tampa Bay photographer, said.

By 4 p.m. legal observers from the ACLU and law enforcement from several local agencies—including USF Police, Florida Highway Patrol, Tampa Police officers on bikes, and Hillsborough Sheriffs in full tactical gear—we also on the scene.

Decker said that at one point, Robert Ura, Colonel at Hillsborough County Sheriff, told him he was too close to officers assembled and threatened to arrest him if he did not leave the area where law enforcement was gathered.

The gathering continued peacefully, and at around 5 p.m., officers told the crowd of roughly 80-100 protesters to disperse, citing "unlawful assembly.” Less than two dozen protesters dispersed after the announcement.

Shortly after, tear gas was fired into the crowd. At least one backpack on the ground caught fire nearby.

Officers in gas masks followed and started to chase down and arrest protestors before collecting items like tarps and Palestinian flags.

“As the day progressed, police observed participants in person and through social media expressing their intent to use some of the items they brought on campus as weapons and to resist university staff members and law enforcement officer,” a spokesperson for USF said to WFLA.  “As a result, USF police determined that the protest was no longer peaceful, and participants must leave the area.”

As of now, there's no evidence that any protesters were acting violent.

Reports also state that arrests were made, though it's unclear exactly how many protesters were detained.

"Violent or unsanctioned protests on University Campuses or anywhere in Hillsborough County Florida will not be tolerated,” said Hillsborough County Sheriff Chad Chronister in a statement. "This is Florida, a law and order state. Every student, regardless of color, creed or religion, should be able to feel safe and learn in a secure environment. Every student should be able to freely move about campus without fear of harassment or intimidation. The moment a peaceful protestor arms his or herself with a shield or attempts to occupy a space that isn’t theirs, as occurred today, they will be dispersed. And, if they choose not to follow instructions of law enforcement officers, they will be arrested as ten individuals were."

This is a developing story.
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Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo via Tampa Bay SDS
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
Police tear gas pro-Palestinian protesters at USF's Tampa campus, multiple arrests
Photo by Dave Decker
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