Florida's minimum wage will increase to $13 an hour next week

The minimum wage for tipped employees will go to $9.98 an hour Monday.

click to enlarge Florida's minimum wage will increase to $13 an hour next week
Photo c/o FF15
Florida’s minimum wage will increase to $13 an hour on Monday, as the state continues carrying out a constitutional amendment that eventually will lead to a $15 minimum wage.

Voters in 2020 approved the constitutional amendment, which was spearheaded by prominent Orlando lawyer John Morgan.

The minimum wage went to $10 an hour on Sept. 30, 2021, $11 on Sept. 30, 2022, and $12 an hour on Sept. 30, 2023.

It is required to increase by $1 each year until it hits $15 an hour on Sept. 30, 2026. After that, it will increase based on inflation.

The minimum wage for tipped employees will go to $9.98 an hour Monday, an increase of $1. The federal minimum wage is $7.25 an hour.

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