Meet the local orchestra that covers other Tampa Bay bands

Same Day Delivery Orchestra was formed in 2017.

click to enlarge Same Day Delivery Orchestra playing Crowbar in Ybor City, Florida on March 16, 2024. - Photo by Dave Decker
Photo by Dave Decker
Same Day Delivery Orchestra playing Crowbar in Ybor City, Florida on March 16, 2024.
Formed in late-2017, Same Day Delivery Orchestra is actually a six-piece string ensemble that retools songs from Bay area bands and songwriters.

Melissa Grady’s “cover band” —two violins, one viola, one cello, one bass and a drummer—often backs those musicians up for rare live gigs.

Grady, an award-winning music educator for Hillsborough County schools, told Creative Loafing Tampa Bay that Same Day Delivery Orchestra is working on three new originals plus work from a handful of local artists (including Prescribed Fire) over the next year. See a list of the best Tampa Bay instrumental bands you can listen to right now.

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