It's back to school at Newt University

click to enlarge Newt Gingrich led the first part of his Newt University programs today at the Hyatt downtown - Joshua Santos
Joshua Santos
Newt Gingrich led the first part of his Newt University programs today at the Hyatt downtown

Class was in session today at NewtU.

Former Speaker of the House and presidential candidate Newt Gingrich hosted the first of his “NewtU” panels, which are being held at various locations across Tampa Bay, each one covering a specific theme. The events will feature a variety of speakers, mainly conservative politicians and members of the business world.

Today's “lesson” was primarily focused on Medicare and the budget, under the title “We Can Do Better." In addition to Medicare reform, speakers called for less government intervention in the “free market” and gave their opinions on how to avoid another recession. Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker and Larry Kudlow, host of CNBC’s Kudlow and Company, were on the roster.

click to enlarge Newt Gingrich led the first part of his Newt University programs today at the Hyatt downtown - Joshua Santos
Joshua Santos
Newt Gingrich led the first part of his Newt University programs today at the Hyatt downtown
  • Joshua Santos
  • Newt Gingrich led the first part of his Newt University programs today at the Hyatt downtown

Regarding Medicare (a subject of particular interest to the audience, which was made up mostly of senior citizens), guests said that reining in government entitlements was the best way to prevent further economic problems. As expected, there was plenty of Obama-bashing as well as excitement for vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan.