Florida hardcore bands are playing a backpack and school supply drive concert in Tampa

You get half-off cover if you pitch in.

Walled City, which plays Deviant Libation in Tampa, Florida on Aug. 3, 2024. - Photo via walled-city/Bandcamp
Photo via walled-city/Bandcamp
Walled City, which plays Deviant Libation in Tampa, Florida on Aug. 3, 2024.
From wrestlers to rappers, locals are all pitching in to get kids ready for the school year. Hardcore kids are getting in on the action, too.

Promoters at Coffin Collective have teamed up with Black & queer-led nonprofit Voices of Florida for this backpack drive where bringing school supplies gets you discounted cover for this bill featuring Cornered’s first Bay area show in six years, plus the Tampa debut of Intrabloom, St. Pete heavy-hitter Walled City, and more.

Cover for the Back II School Slam at Tampa's Deviant Libation on Saturday, Aug. 3 is $10, but $5 if you pitch in. Readers are invited to submit their own events to Creative Loafing Tampa Bay’s things to do calendar.

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Ray Roa

Read his 2016 intro letter and disclosures from 2022 and 2021. Ray Roa started freelancing for Creative Loafing Tampa in January 2011 and was hired as music editor in August 2016. He became Editor-In-Chief in August 2019. Past work can be seen at Suburban Apologist, Tampa Bay Times, Consequence of Sound and The...
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