New vending machine at St. Pete gay bar Cocktail wants your dick art

Lucid Vending says the art's girth should be no more than two inches.

click to enlarge A Lucid Vending machine at Speakeasy Kava in St. Petersburg, Florida. - Photo via Lucid.Vending/Facebook
Photo via Lucid.Vending/Facebook
A Lucid Vending machine at Speakeasy Kava in St. Petersburg, Florida.
It's kind of a big ask, but Lucid Vending needs a little help getting its latest kiosk up at the edge of St. Pete's Historic Kenwood neighborhood.

Lucid—overlord of several vending machines stocked with local art and strategically placed across the Bay area—has an open call for dick art, which will live inside a machine that's supposed to land at St. Pete gay bar Cocktail.

"We're looking for artwork that features some dick/homo-erotic [aspect] that we can purchase wholesale," Kayla Cox and Chance Ryan, owners of Lucid Vending, told Creative Loafing Tampa Bay.

The art in their machines is capped at $20, so ideally, the art would be original work that can retail for $20, or prints that can retail for around $10. Lucid offers a 50-50 split with artists, who must slide in with at least 10 pieces to start.
Naturally, dick art should fit within the vending machine slots, which are all different sizes (5-by-7, 4-by-6, and 3-by-5 inches). Girth of anything that goes into the vending machine slots should be no thicker than two inches—reasonable, right?

"We recommend checking out one of our machines to get an idea for packaging. All prints should be wrapped in cellophane and be adhered to a sturdy backing (cardboard works) and include contact information," Cox and Ryan added.

All artistic mediums will be considered, if you're ready to rise to the occasion and put some skin in the game.
click to enlarge Lucid Vending has an open call for dick art, which will live inside a machine that's supposed to land at St. Pete gay bar Cocktail. - Photo via lucid.vending/Instagram
Photo via lucid.vending/Instagram
Lucid Vending has an open call for dick art, which will live inside a machine that's supposed to land at St. Pete gay bar Cocktail.


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Ray Roa

Read his 2016 intro letter and disclosures from 2022 and 2021. Ray Roa started freelancing for Creative Loafing Tampa in January 2011 and was hired as music editor in August 2016. He became Editor-In-Chief in August 2019. Past work can be seen at Suburban Apologist, Tampa Bay Times, Consequence of Sound and The...
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