Equality Florida hosts its big gay gala fundraiser in St. Pete

The statewide LGBTQ+ rights organization has sold-out The Coliseum this weekend.

click to enlarge Equality Florida marching in Tampa Pride in Tampa, Florida on March 23, 2024. - Photo by Dave Decker
Photo by Dave Decker
Equality Florida marching in Tampa Pride in Tampa, Florida on March 23, 2024.
Equality Florida, the Sunshine State’s only statewide LGBTQ civil rights organization, spends most of its time lobbying, pushing back on Florida’s anti-LGBTQ+ legislation and organizing.

Once a year, however, the group hosts a fundraising gala with its sponsors, community members and supporters. Complete with live entertainment, music from Shevonne, dancing, a silent auction, speeches from keynote speakers, honoring this year’s “Voice for Equality” Award winner, and a buffet dinner, Florida Equality’s annual St. Pete gala is a fancy time for a great cause.

In 2023, Equality Florida raised a whopping $880,000 to help continue its advocacy efforts, breaking an almost 30 year-old fundraising record. After hosting its annual gala in St. Pete this week, the nonprofit will continue pushing for transgender equality, fighting for reproductive rights, supporting banned books and more, in addition to hosting other fundraising events throughout the state.

Equality Florida’s St. Pete Gala 2024 at The Coliseum on Saturday, May 18 is sold-out, but you can still donate to the cause via eqfl.org.

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Kyla Fields

Kyla Fields is the Managing Editor of Creative Loafing Tampa Bay who started their journey at CL as summer 2019 intern. They are the proud owner of a charming, sausage-shaped, four-year-old rescue mutt named Piña.
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